Zenith produces a mega clearance initiative to assist Aussie Helpers – a charity ensuring wellbeing and survival for communities affected by rural drought.
To date, deficiencies in rainfall in parts of central Australia and far north Queensland continue to desolate our agricultural and livestock industries – not to mention the thousands of communities that rely on these sectors.
Of course, extreme weather conditions are nothing new to the Australian way of life. But with climate change continuing to wreak havoc across our landscape and society, the escalating damage potential has prompted many to extend a helping hand to those most directly affected: our farming community.
One such organisation – Aussie Helpers – has been tireless in this effort. Working on the grass roots level with hundreds of farming families to ensure their wellbeing and survival through times both good and bad, Aussie Helpers co-ordinates drought relief, fundraising and vital support services for those people in their time of need.
Joining these unsung heroes trying to save our farmers from loss and heartache, Zenith is giving back to the farming community that sustains so much of the Australian lifestyle. Recognising that organisations such as Aussie Helpers need our sustained support and assistance, Zenith is hosting a nation-wide clearance sale on Saturday September 8th, with 100% of proceeds being donated to Aussie Helpers’ initiatives across the country. Held in Zenith’s warehouses in Melbourne and Sydney and showrooms in Canberra, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide, the Zenith Drought Relief Warehouse Sale represents a concerted effort to make a very material difference to our wider community. In Zenith’s own words, “we are joining Aussie Helpers to contribute to their core goals of delivering ‘care, share and respect’ to those in need. We recognise the enormous contribution of the farming community in Australia and, as such, we want to give back to those individuals who are adversely affected by the devastating effects of drought and climate change throughout the country.”
Get involved with the Zenith Drought Relief Warehouse Sale to support Australia’s farmers. Here is everything you need to know:
- The Zenith Drought Relief Clearance Sale is on September 8th
- The sale will be held across the country in Zenith’s Sydney and Melbourne Warehouses and Canberra, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide showrooms.
- Over 400 products will be on sale nationally, from various local and global brands in the Zenith portfolio (ex-showroom stocked)
- All proceeds generated will be donated to Aussie Helpers and will fund their support services for farming communities throughout the country

Join Zenith and Aussie Helpers on their quest to lend a helping hand to our farming community. To make a personal donation to the fund, please visit www.aussiehelpers.org.au. Let’s all work together to bring support, peace of mind, respect and dignity back to our farmers.
The Zenith Drought Relief Warehouse Sale: September 8th, 2018.
Visit our facebook event page to keep up to date